Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Better Linq with better example - 1

Here in this example we take an example of 2 companies with many employees and learn how to fetch data from multilevel list (list within list) or multilevel classes( class within a class) using LINQ.

In the following example i have tried to cover all the things that can be explained using a company example.

Just copy and paste the following console application.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace ITCompany
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Create a list of Employees
List LEmp1 = new List();
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp01", Age = 24, salary = 40000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123451, City = "Bangalore" }});
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp02", Age = 25, salary = 35000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123452, City = "Delhi" } });
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp03", Age = 24, salary = 22000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123453, City = "Bombay" } });
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp04", Age = 25, salary = 14000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123454, City = "Chennai" } });
LEmp1.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp05", Age = 26, salary = 25000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123455, City = "Bangalore" } });

Company cmp1 = new Company() { Name = "Relyon", ListEmp = LEmp1};

List LEmp2 = new List();
LEmp2.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp07", Age = 25, salary = 35000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123456, City = "Bangalore" } });
LEmp2.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp08", Age = 24, salary = 15000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123457, City = "Bombay" } });
LEmp2.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp09", Age = 25, salary = 10000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123458, City = "Delhi" } });
LEmp2.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp10", Age = 26, salary = 25000, Address = new Address() { PinCode = 123459, City = "Bangalore" } });

Company cmp2 = new Company() { Name = "CellOn" , ListEmp = LEmp2};

Company[] ListCompany = { cmp1, cmp2 };

//Employee Details
Console.WriteLine("Employee Details");
Console.WriteLine("Company | Name | Age | Salary | Address |");

var EmpDetails = from comp in ListCompany
select new
Emp = (from emp in comp.ListEmp
select new { Company = comp.Name, emp })

foreach (var t in EmpDetails)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", t.Emp.Select(emp => emp.Company + " |" + emp.emp.Name + " |" + emp.emp.Age + " |" + emp.emp.salary + " |" + emp.emp.Address.City + "-" + emp.emp.Address.PinCode).ToArray()));


//company with Employee count
Console.WriteLine("Nos of employees");

var LessEmp = from Comp in ListCompany
select new
EmpCount = Comp.ListEmp.Count

foreach(var t in LessEmp)
Console.WriteLine("Company Name : " + t.Name + ", Nos Of Employees : " + t.EmpCount);
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();

//Employees who are staying in BANGALORE
Console.WriteLine("Employees statying in bangalore");

var EmpInACity = from comp in ListCompany
from emplist in comp.ListEmp
where emplist.Address.City.ToUpper().Contains("BAN")
select new { CompName = comp.Name, EmployeeName = emplist.Name };

foreach (var t in EmpInACity)
Console.WriteLine("Company Name : " + t.CompName + ", Employee Name : " + t.EmployeeName);
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();

//Employee with Hightest salary in each company
Console.WriteLine("Highest paid employee in each company");

var EmpHighSalEachComp = from comp in ListCompany
from empHigh in comp.ListEmp
where empHigh.salary == comp.ListEmp.Max(HighEmp => HighEmp.salary)
select new { CompanyName = comp.Name, EmpHighName = empHigh.Name, EmpHighSal = empHigh.salary};

foreach (var t in EmpHighSalEachComp)
Console.WriteLine("Company : " + t.CompanyName + ", Employee : " + t.EmpHighName + ", Salary : " + t.EmpHighSal);
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();

//Employee with Hightest salary
Console.WriteLine("Highest paid employee from all companies");

var EmpHighSal = from comp in ListCompany
from emp in comp.ListEmp
where emp.salary == ListCompany.Max(TComp => TComp.ListEmp.Max(HighEmp => HighEmp.salary))
select new { CompanyName = comp.Name , EmployeeName = emp.Name, EmpSal = emp.salary};

foreach (var t in EmpHighSal)
Console.WriteLine("Company : " + t.CompanyName + ", Employee : " + t.EmployeeName + ", Salary : " + t.EmpSal);
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();

//Salary Paid in Each City together by all companies
Console.WriteLine("Payment done in cities together by all companies");

var CompanyCityWise = from comp in ListCompany
from emp in comp.ListEmp
group emp by emp.Address.City into CityWiseEmp
select new { State = CityWiseEmp.Key, TotalSalary = CityWiseEmp.Sum(emp => emp.salary) };

foreach (var t in CompanyCityWise)
Console.WriteLine("City : " + t.State + ", " + "Total Salary : " + t.TotalSalary);
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();

//Salary Paid in Each City by each company
Console.WriteLine("Payment done in cities by each company");

var CityWiseSalary = from comp in ListCompany
select new
Emp =(
from emp in comp.ListEmp
group emp by emp.Address.City into CityWiseEmp
select new { State = CityWiseEmp.Key, TotalSalary = CityWiseEmp.Sum(emp => emp.salary) })

foreach (var t in CityWiseSalary)
//t.emp comes as a structure so to easy the printing
//we will use string.join to join all the values in a single string
//It can also be done by looping through t.emp and
//printing t.emp.state and t.emp.totalsalary separately

Console.WriteLine("company : " + t.Name + "\n" + string.Join("\n", t.Emp.Select(emp => emp.State + " : " + emp.TotalSalary).ToArray()));
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();


public class Company
public string Name
{ get; set; }

public List ListEmp
{ get; set; }

public class Employee
public string Name
{ get; set; }

public Address Address
{ get; set; }

public int Age
{ get; set; }

public double salary
{ get; set; }

public struct Address
public int PinCode
{ get; set; }
public string City
{ get; set; }

Output of the above program:

If any suggestions for improving the access or improving the class are always open.

If you need example on any specific topic you can leave a comment and it will be included in the coming posts.

Keep Learning. :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Exploring LINQ Functions - Select, Min, Max, Average, ToArray()

Here is a sample program which will help you to learn some basic functions of LINQ.
The example is of a company in which there are some employees. We will try to explore some functions that are related to this example.

We will
1) list all the employees
2) Find Max salaried employee
3) Find Min Salaried Employee
4) Average salary paid by the company

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace SampleLINQ
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Create a list of Employees
List LEmp = new List();
LEmp.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp1", Age = 24, salary = 40000 });
LEmp.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp2", Age = 25, salary = 35000 });
LEmp.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp3", Age = 24, salary = 20000 });
LEmp.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp4", Age = 25, salary = 20000 });
LEmp.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Emp5", Age = 26, salary = 25000 });

//Names of employees
Console.WriteLine("List Of employees");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", LEmp.Select(emp => emp.Name).ToArray()));

//Average salary paid
Console.WriteLine("Average Salary Paid");
Console.WriteLine(LEmp.Average(emp => emp.salary));

//Find employees with Max Salary and print
Employee[] MaxSalary = (from mSal in LEmp
where mSal.salary == LEmp.Max(emp => emp.salary)
select mSal).ToArray();

Console.WriteLine("Highest salaried Employees");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", MaxSalary.Select(emp => emp.Name).ToArray()));

//Find employees with Min Salary and print
Employee[] MinSalary = (from mSal in LEmp
where mSal.salary == LEmp.Min(emp => emp.salary)
select mSal).ToArray();

Console.WriteLine("Least salaried Employees");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", MinSalary.Select(emp => emp.Name).ToArray()));

//Show the console

//The following line can also be used to fetch the names of highest or least salaried employee
//All the above operations are done in a single line.
//Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", LCust.Where(cust => cust.salary == LCust.Max(emp => emp.salary)).Select(cust => cust.Name).ToArray()));


public class Employee
public string Name

public int Age

public double salary